15 October 2008

My Lost Cat

This is not my cat, because my cat is dead. If I see the cat, I always remember him.
He was a pet who would purr gently when I stroke his stomach and meong pleadingly when I prepared his food.
I called him with name "Pusser".
Pusser was often involved in catfìghts with other cats from other territories. Usually, his loud noise was warning enough to make the other cats moved away from his territory.
I always loved to have him on my bed when I want to sleep. When I accidentally kicked him, he would lovingly bite my toes to remind me that he was there.
Sometimes he would curl himself into my arms to ask for and to give love. Whenever he did that, i would hold him tightly in my arms until we were both slept.
I loved you Pusser....now I do not have a cat again.

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